Everyone loves a tactical RPG right?
Agarest: Generations of War is a tactical RPG made by Idea factory. It not only features combat, but also a dating simulation as well. The dating simulator can be awkward at times, but it does succeed in a way.

Now there is a bug in the PC port that a lot of people on Steam have noticed.
The sound.
The sound tends to have a clip in it at times and boy is it GOD AWFUL.
But lets focus on the other things, shall we. The story is deep....at first. It spans 5 generations, each one decided by your actions in the last one. So much potential! But it ends up being a cliche, so you pretty much already know what's about to happen. The story lasts over 100+ hours too, so you end up in this kinda boring and predictable story line for a long time. And the combat, it's fun at first, but then it beings to get a little repetitive, so not only are you stuck in "stripped from a old fantasy book" story line, you also have repetitive gameplay as well. The characters are half-decent at the most, as a lot of them are kinda the hero-villain stereotype. The game is also presented in a visual novel fashion, which is okay, but they don't change, except with a slight face change. And even then, the developers mess that up as the changes are rare, and you will end up with contradictory faces a lot of the time. This game had a ton of potential, but the developers failed to recognize it. The dating simulator does improve the game a bit, but a dating sim shouldn't be a savior of a JRPG.
Agarest: Generations of War: 5.3/10