Friday, January 31, 2014

Agarest: Generations of War (Review)

Everyone loves a tactical RPG right?

Agarest: Generations of War is a tactical RPG made by Idea factory. It not only features combat, but also a dating simulation as well. The dating simulator can be awkward at times, but it does succeed in a way.  
Now there is a bug in the PC port that a lot of people on Steam have noticed. 

                                                                      The sound.

                      The sound tends to have a clip in it at times and boy is it GOD AWFUL. 

But lets focus on the other things, shall we. The story is first. It spans 5 generations, each one decided by your actions in the last one. So much potential! But it ends up being a cliche, so you pretty much already know what's about to happen. The story lasts over 100+ hours too, so you end up in this kinda boring and predictable story line for a long time. And the combat, it's fun at first, but then it beings to get a little repetitive, so not only are you stuck in "stripped from a old fantasy book" story line, you also have repetitive gameplay as well. The characters are half-decent at the most, as a lot of them are kinda the hero-villain stereotype. The game is also presented in a visual novel fashion, which is okay, but they don't change, except with a slight face change. And even then, the developers mess that up as the changes are rare, and you will end up with contradictory faces a lot of the time. This game had a ton of potential, but the developers failed to recognize it. The dating simulator does improve the game a bit, but a dating sim shouldn't be a savior of a JRPG.

Agarest: Generations of War: 5.3/10

Thursday, December 19, 2013

League of Legends (Man I really got to stop this one post a month thing)

So I play LoL sometimes. Not a lot, as I'm still level 13, but on occasion. But if there is one thing I excel at, It's the champions. Well, not playing them, but recognizing them and completely demoralizing them.

Let's see...
There's Captain Hue Hue...
The carry of carries...


And of course...
Everyone's FAVORITE champion!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine (Review)

Another great Shin Megami Tensei game from Atlus, this time free!
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine is a free MMORPG from Atlus. Originally, The servers were supported by Aeria Games, until Atlus brought it Marvelous. The gameplay in Imagine is nearly 
the same as in any other Megami Tensei game. You battle Demons, clear dungeons and befriend 
demons as well. The combat is where the game begins to stray away from the average MegaTen game.

The combat in Imagine is the same as in Mabinogi. Guard beats block. Smash beats block. Counter beats smash. While I do feel this is better in Mabinogi, this combat system works with this game, as you can send you demon to attack an enemy first, then when the enemy's guard or counter is down, you can go in for the attack. (Or vice versa.) You also can take direct control of you demon, even when your dead! So if you have a demon with a revival skill, yo can take control of it to get back to the battle! But the problem with this combat system is that in MegaTen, Atlus made it slow and clunky. Instead of the fast paced, fast-thinking combat in Mabinogi, It's "attack-attack-attack-guard-attack-attack-attack-counter" repetitive gameplay you would find in a WoW clone. But even with the clunkiness, I still find this game kinda fun.

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine                         7.6/10

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Realm of the Mad God (Indie Spotlight)

Oh...the hours of frustrating yet joyous gameplay.....  

Realm of the Mad God is what happens when Touhou is turned into an MMO...With hardcore elements. That's right, its like playing Touhou....and when you lose your character.....forever! Now some of you who have never heard of Touhou will go in thinking " Yea....whatever....This is gonna be easy." 
You poor naive bastards...
However, if you are a long time Touhou player, now you know what to expect. And for those of you who don't....let this picture help:
This one also:

Touhou fans will feel right at home with this game. And if your not familiar or very good at Touhou? Then join a train.

This is a train

In Realm of the Mad God, anyone who helps defeat an enemy or was simply standing near a defeated enemy receives the equal amount of xp as the person who landed the final blow. So players in Realm of the Mad God form trains to receive xp at an extraordinary rate.Its really helpful with rushing quest and staying alive.

You want to play Realm of the Mad God? It's available on steam for the low price of FREE! So what are you waiting for? Jump in!  

And die......

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sorry for the long hiatus. Plus Mabinogi

   Hey guys sorry for not blogging for a while. I've been playing Mabinogi, a Nexon free-to-play. Yes, I know what your thinking, "A Nexon game? How can you play a Nexon game for so long? And why are you even playing a Nexon game after they closed down DFO for the NA servers? Why?!".

   Yes, Mabinogi has the same crappy Nexon service, and trust me, I'm about as pissed about the DFO closing as you guys are . But Mabinogi is the last decent Nexon game. And Here's why.

We were supposed to get these in Mabi Na....
Mabinogi is one of the most unique, and arguably the best, MMO out there. Now, I know what you're about to say, "There is no way Nexon could have the world's best MMO.". But its not the best MMO out there yet.....mostly because Nexon NA is too lazy to make it great...DevCat does all the work....NA just translates and leaves some things out. And by leaving some things out....I mean A LOT of things are left out...For example....We over at Mabinogi NA were supposed to get a FMA update, as well with character cards for Elric,Whittney, and everyone else. But did Nexon NA do that for us? NOPE! Nexon NA let us down (As usual)

But anyway...on to the good stuff!

As I said before, Mabi is one of the most unique MMO's out there. Why? Well it might seem weird to you, but for starters we get stronger by starting all over to lv 1. Confused yet? We start over at lv 1 using the rebirth system.

This is way more important than you think it is!
You know how in most MMO's as you lv up and get stronger, you need to go into harder dungeons and grind stronger monsters? In Mabinogi, when you gain lvs and each lv gets harder and harder to reach, you rebirth all the way to lv 1, making it easier to get to each lv and AP to rank up our skills. The best part about rebirthing get to keep all your skills and their rank's, making skill training easier than other MMO's.

Now....Its time for combat!

Now, Mabinogi isn't your basic attack, attack, spam skill fest that you see in most MMO's. The combat is fast paced and requires you to use fast thinking strategy, which is sorta the main appeal to it. Not only that there are hundreds of skills to learn

Now there is another appeal to Mabinogi that also captures our love for it. Your not class-restricted. So you can become a warrior, and train Mage and Archer skills. Choosing a talent just gives you stat-related bonuses for training skills under your talent.

Current Talents for Mabi NA. More on the way.

And there's more. you don't have to be in combat every second to get exp. You can become a chef, a tailor, a bard, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a potion maker and many more! Mabinogi is a casual rpg that lets you do what you want, but if you want a linear adventure, they offer goddess missions to go into the lore of Mabinogi (NOTE: GODDESS MISSIONS ARE ONLY OPTIONAL)

Well, I think I've said enough.

If you play Mabi, Come add me! IGN: Horriblename Server: Alexania 

Anyway, I'll see you later!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Xbox One Reveal in a Nutshell

I know...I know. Its been awhile since my last post. I had PC problems and had to get it fixed.

This post is going to be VERY short but it basically sums up the entire new Xbox reveal. OK...Here it goes..



The Best Thing to Come Out of the Xbox Reveal

Everyone is so excited for it and here I am, waiting for Animal Crossing, and thinking on how dumb of a name the new Xbox has.
The Hipster Original Xbox